Why Key Overseas Investments

We work hard to enhance your life, financial goals and family’s future

Key Overseas Investments helps you find a clear path forward to the life you want.

Congestion on the roads, an endless to-do list, family, friends, an inbox that never clears… Sometimes all you want is just a little space to catch your breath.

With everything going on right now, it’s no wonder making plans for the future, especially financial plans, is so difficult.

At Key Overseas Investments we build plans focused on your vision of the future.

A solid financial plan will help you find the breathing room you’ve been craving.

With over 90 years of combined experience in the industry, we’ve helped thousands of people to take the right roads by planning wisely so you can keep more of your money and enjoy the peace and security having a plan brings.

Proactive partners

Key Overseas Investments spans a very diverse, talented group of professionals well-qualified to support our investing and operating activities.

Our collective team experience covers a broad array of asset classes, industries, sectors, and geographies. We have a proven track record of delivering strong results by taking a client-centered, proactive, innovative, and flexible approach to invest.

Access to the Global Network

Beyond who we are, it’s where we are. We believe a global presence sharpens our investment expertise.

With eyes and ears across time zones, we keep a steadfast pulse on the market.

We’re also proud to partner with top-tier global asset managers and sponsors to extend our investment capabilities.

Step 1

Design your plan

We get to know you, your finances, and your goals so we can build a customized path to get you there

Step 2

Make it happen

With your destination in mind, we help you implement your plan and make sure your bases are covered.

Step 3

Stay on track

We meet with you regularly to review your plan—life can change, and your plan should adjust accordingly.
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